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UPGRADING TO GAMMA. Razer SoftMiner is no longer available to download and use. Switch to the Gamma app on Windows 10 to continue earning Razer Silver and reap more rewards! As of August 26, 2019 (3am GMT/UTC), if you have Razer SoftMiner installed you may choose to upgrade to the Gamma app on Windows 10 or uninstall the Razer SoftMiner app. *Razer Silver is not a cryptocurrency. 2020-02-1 09:22 上午更新尽管本周意外泄露了刚编译完成的20H1内测版Build 18947,但… Reddit's new Community Points could be huge for Ethereum. 发布于 2020-05-13 22:19:24. Reddit is experimenting with cryptocurrency, and though it's currently only a trial, it might turn out to be one of the most important developments in the space. 也可点击社群图标分享。 据链得得ChainDD行情数据统计,截至5月17日19:00,24小时内涨幅最高的是 Global Cryptocurrency,涨幅为127.12%。排名第二的是 WeAreSatoshi,涨幅122.98%;涨幅TOP5的还包括 Indicoin、 比特无限-BitcoinX、 韭菜币-Leekcoin。